Member Spotlights


  • The Economic Advantages of Electric Vehicles - When the chief of the Logan (Ohio) Police Department presented the idea of leasing electric vehicles to replace aging gas-powered ones, the Logan City Council recognized it was a good idea and made it happen.



  • Solar Power and Light — Expanding Horizons - Just over a decade ago, a small team of engineers founded Solar Power and Light. With backgrounds ranging from electrical engineering to metallurgy, founders Neil Chaudhry and Brent Boyd were confident in the technology and process behind solar energy.
  • Sustainability at GOJO: Changing How the World Stays Well - As a GEO business member, GOJO is one of several who isn’t actually in the clean energy business. Instead, GOJO makes use of clean energy as part of its corporate sustainability strategy. The corporation has a committed team that has implemented very successful projects for the company in sustainability, particularly in clean energy.
  • Saving Jobs, Saving Money, & Saving the Environment: Energy Optimizers’ Belinda Kenley shares how they make it all possible - Belinda began her career at EOU as Vice President in 2011 and, because the company was a startup, the scope of her responsibilities was large. She recalls doing "anything and everything needed, including a little project management, lots of marketing and business development, and administrative work.”
  • Energy Entrepreneur: President Azam Kazmi talks YellowLite’s mission - In 2009, when the U.S. was still recovering from economic recession and unemployment rates were soaring, renewable energy was largely viewed as a novelty. “People didn’t know about the product - where to get it or how to use it”, Azam recalled. And yet, in this same year, YellowLite was founded in Cleveland, Ohio.
  • The Train Has Left the Station: Solar Power is Here to Stay - Gary has always had a strong environmental ethic and has lived accordingly. Before he moved to Athens in 1998, he was living in a cabin off the grid in northern Ohio, working in the family construction business. His first home in Athens was powered exclusively by a 300-watt solar system. It wasn’t until six years later, in 2006, that he upgraded to a 3000-watt grid-tied system.
  • Doing What You Love: The OH Solar Story - Corbin Holland has long understood the role energy plays in quality of life. Growing up, Corbin was acutely aware of the importance of energy independence. Spending each summer with his Navy-veteran Grandfather, he learned that most wars break out over a lack of resources.
  • Richard Downs: “Change Happens from the Bottom-Up” - If you follow our member spotlights, you know that they generally focus on senior leaders in big companies. This month, we are featuring a person who has followed a slightly different path, but who has made an unmistakable contribution to his community and to advancing the clean energy message.
  • Gentle Giants: How “doing the right thing” has made Talan Products, Inc. a world-class leader - In Northeast Ohio, there is no shortage of industrial manufacturers. Yet, despite their long list of industry peers, Talan Products Inc. has always managed to stand out. Tucked away in an industrial complex on Cochran Ave, Talan Products Inc. is revolutionizing the industrial manufacturing industry.


  • Never Too Much Information: TMI Energy Solutions’ Solar Story - From moderate interest in energy efficiency to fully supportive of the latest renewable technologies, adverse policies such as Ohio’s recently passed House Bill 6 can seem discouraging. Yet, in the face of such regressive policies, many Americans continue to push themselves and others to be more environmentally conscious.
  • More Than Photovoltaics: Modern Energy’s Solar Experience - When one thinks of Ohio, it is far more likely they picture fields of corn, than fields of solar installations. Yet, from energy efficient appliances to solar photovoltaics (PV), Ohio electric consumers are increasingly looking for ways to reduce their ecological footprint without losing convenience and supply.
  • In it for the Long Haul: The Third Sun Solar Story - Michelle and Geoff Greenfield do not shy away from a challenge. From building an off-grid house, starting a solar business while raising a family, or living part-time in Colorado while maintaining their Athens-based company, Third Sun Solar, the two are always ready to tackle complicated circumstances.
  • Exploring “Homegrown Energy”: Apex Brings Renewable Energy to Local Communities - When driving across north-central Ohio, wind turbines are visible on the horizon. The consistent rotation of the turbines and their towering presence serves as a reminder of the impact renewable energy has in Ohio. Conducive to renewable energy production, Ohio’s landscape is gaining attraction from national companies.
  • Let The Sunshine In: Casting Light on Residential Solar Energy in Ohio - Having grown up in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he had a large backyard with a creak to explore, Kevin Eigel has always had an interest in nature and the environment. With a father heavily involved in the Oil and Gas Industry, Eigel was equally intrigued with energy production and consumption. It wasn’t until he went to work for his father, though, that Eigel knew what direction his competing interests would take.
  • Melink’s Bold Steps Towards Sustainable Innovation - In an open field surrounded by solar panels, founder, CEO, and visionary Steve Melink stands where Melink Corporation’s second headquarters will be erected. Just across the street from the first building, the second headquarters will be similar in structure but will improve on its design.
  • Go Sustainable Energy’s Impact on Ohio - John Seryak’s office looks out over North High Street, just outside of downtown Columbus. His window covers the northern wall of the converted living room in a tudor-style house that has become the hub of his company, Go Sustainable Energy.