Where We Stand

As part of our mission at GEO, we share our policy positions with our members and supporters, as well as with policymakers and elected officials. Because the political spectrum is an ever-changing landscape, there will be new issues and projects on which we take a position.

Avenues for Advocacy

GEO pursues our mission to move Ohio forward on critical issues and projects through a number of strategies:

  • Provide Legislative Testimony
  • Submit Remarks to the Ohio Power Siting Board
  • Send Action Alerts
  • Speak to the Media
  • Sign Coalition Letters
  • Host Townhalls & Roundtables

The policy debate is dynamic and fluid, it can be accelerated or prolonged.  External factors exert a significant influence – technological advances, economic pressures, international events.  The political landscape dictates the agenda, and frequently the outcome.  As such, GEO’s policy statements reflect our core principles while, at the same time, leaving room for greater detail and allowing for flexibility.  We believe that this is the best approach to policy-making, coalition-building, and ensuring that Ohio moves forward on clean energy issues.

We support a collaborative policy process where government, utilities, energy service providers, research and educational institutions, advocacy groups, businesses and trade associations, and community stakeholders share strategies and resources to help all consumers enhance sustainability and control energy costs.